Shibaura Electronics


Stock Information

Stock Information

Stock exchange listing Tokyo Stock Exchange, JASDAQ Standard Market
Stock exchange registration July 16, 2013
Stock code 6957
Share unit number 100 shares
Fiscal year From April 1 to March 31
Year-end dividend record date March 31日
Interim dividend record date September 30
Ordinary general meeting of shareholders Held in June
Shareholder registry administrator Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
TEL. +81-3-6701-5000
Account management institution for special accounts Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Method of public notices "The Nikkei" Shimbun published in Tokyo

Share situation

Total number of shares authorized to be issued 33,600,000 shares
Total number of shares issued 7,779,865 shares
Number of shareholders 7,935 people
(As of July 1, 2024)


Regarding PR / IR PR / IR Office
TEL +81-48-615-4010
Inquiry Form
Regarding Financial Results Financial Division
TEL +81-48-615-4030

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Inquiry form available here